一旦成為我們的會員, 就能夠體驗極致的玩家享樂服務,而您手中的會員卡就是一把享盡所有娛樂之鑰, 除了能帶您享受娛樂場的優惠積分贈送之外, 其他高端的餐飲, 酒店住宿, 按摩,航空機票, 高爾夫球以及其他數不盡的娛樂, 通通都在這裡,應有盡有 !
關於會員所有一切福利, Club 99持有最高決定權,可以隨時更正或者修改內容
若尊貴的貴賓們, 有興趣進一步了解我們的會員服務體驗,歡迎您致電至以下熱線+84 511-3987-998, 我們有專員竭誠為您服務 !
Other Hotels & Resorts: If members want to get special price at some partners of Club99, members should contact with Club99 for booking to use services.
Cash back rate of Premier level is 50% (1p ~ 0.5USD).
Cash back rate of Gold level is 75% (1p ~ 0.75USD).
Cash back rate of Platinum level and Diamond level is 100% (1p ~1USD).
Birthday Present: Members can use this service when member come to Club99 in member's birthday month. Free coupon is not used to add point to membership card.
Play Golf: Members want to use this service; member’s point will be subtracted and unlimited. We only apply basic expense of one time playing (included cart, caddie and green fee). In addition, expense of playing golf on weekend or public holidays is higher than usual.
Provide Email: Club99 sends confirmative email to member. Member can receive 4 points when relying email and once only per member.
The price of air ticket is based on the respective price at the specific point of time.
Under some circumstances, accommodations and other services are not provided due to full booking situation.
Accommodations in Furama and other resorts will be applied with point subtraction and additional fees if needed.
2. Membership cards at Club99 are issued for free.
3. An applicant must complete Club99 Membership Application Form and present member’s valid passport.
4. An individual may only hold one membership card of Club99 at one period of time.
5. Club99 membership card and its benefits cannot be transferred to anyone.
6. Points added to membership are equivalent to the total amount of money betting in the gaming machine. Free coupon is not used to add point to member card.
7. Members are responsible for notifying Club99 any changes of member information
8. In case the membership card is lost or stolen, member must report immediately to Club99 Management. Upon presentation of valid proof of identification, a replacement card will be issued.
9. At any point of time, the management board of Club99 reserves the rights to limit member’s participations in any rewards, promotions and benefit from Club99 with proper reason.
10. The management board of Club99 reserves the rights to change any rules, terms and conditions of Club99 Membership System and the right to revoke membership at any time without notice.
11. The Management will resolve all disputes which may arise with Member’s participation at Club99.
12. Club99 will evaluate and upgrade member’s level immediately.
13. If a member do not meet requirement of member maintenance within 6 months since the point of participation, member card will be degraded.
14. Membership card which is not used for a period of 12 months will be invalidated.
15. Membership to Club99 is a privilege offered to those who comply with Club99’s policy, procedures and rules for member as well as other requirements of Club99. Any misuse of the membership card or violation of these requirements will result in the forfeiture of all benefits and points.
16. The member’s utilization of the membership card indicates his/her acceptance to the rules, terms and conditions of Club99.
關於會員所有一切福利, Club 99持有最高決定權,可以隨時更正或者修改內容
若尊貴的貴賓們, 有興趣進一步了解我們的會員服務體驗,歡迎您致電至以下熱線+84 511-3987-998, 我們有專員竭誠為您服務 !
會員福利 | 貴賓紅卡
交通 | ||||
Air Ticket | x | x | x | |
STAY | ||||
Furama Resort | 1 Free night (200p) | 1 Free night (180p) | 1 Free night (160p) | |
Other Hotels & Resorts | x | x | x | |
PLAY | ||||
Cash Back | 1p ~ 0.5 USD | 1p ~ 0.75 USD | 1p ~ 1 USD | 1p ~ 1 USD |
Birthday Present | 50 Free Coupon | 100 Free Coupon
3 Coupons |
100 Free Coupon
5 Coupons |
Play Golf (18 holes) | 1 Booking
Weekdays: 90p Weekend: 120p |
1 Booking
Weekdays: 90p Weekend: 120p |
1 Booking
Weekdays: 80p Weekend: 110p |
DINE | ||||
Furama Restaurant | 1 Meal Coupon (40p) | 1 Meal Coupon (35p) | 1 Meal Coupon (30p) | |
SPA | ||||
Furama Spa | 1 Spa Coupon (30p) |
1 Spa Coupon (27p) |
OTHERS | ||||
Special Offers | x | x | x | x |
Provide Email | 4 points | 4 points | 4 points | 4 points |
Air ticket: Member’s points will be subtracted if members want to use this service.STAY
Furama Resort: Members want to use this service; member’s points will be subtracted and unlimited.Other Hotels & Resorts: If members want to get special price at some partners of Club99, members should contact with Club99 for booking to use services.
Cash Back: Members can convert member’s point to cash and at least 10p per time.Cash back rate of Premier level is 50% (1p ~ 0.5USD).
Cash back rate of Gold level is 75% (1p ~ 0.75USD).
Cash back rate of Platinum level and Diamond level is 100% (1p ~1USD).
Birthday Present: Members can use this service when member come to Club99 in member's birthday month. Free coupon is not used to add point to membership card.
Play Golf: Members want to use this service; member’s point will be subtracted and unlimited. We only apply basic expense of one time playing (included cart, caddie and green fee). In addition, expense of playing golf on weekend or public holidays is higher than usual.
Furama Restaurant: Members want to use this service; member’s point will be subtracted and unlimited.SPA
Furama Spa: Members want to use this service; member’s point will be subtracted and unlimited.OTHERS
Special Offers: Club99 will send monthly email about special offers of partner's Club99 to member. Members just print out this email and bring to partners to get these special offers.Provide Email: Club99 sends confirmative email to member. Member can receive 4 points when relying email and once only per member.
All booking of services are encouraged to contact with Clubb99 as soon as possible.The price of air ticket is based on the respective price at the specific point of time.
Under some circumstances, accommodations and other services are not provided due to full booking situation.
Accommodations in Furama and other resorts will be applied with point subtraction and additional fees if needed.
Terms & Conditions
1. Membership to Club99 must be foreign passport holders over the age of 18.2. Membership cards at Club99 are issued for free.
3. An applicant must complete Club99 Membership Application Form and present member’s valid passport.
4. An individual may only hold one membership card of Club99 at one period of time.
5. Club99 membership card and its benefits cannot be transferred to anyone.
6. Points added to membership are equivalent to the total amount of money betting in the gaming machine. Free coupon is not used to add point to member card.
7. Members are responsible for notifying Club99 any changes of member information
8. In case the membership card is lost or stolen, member must report immediately to Club99 Management. Upon presentation of valid proof of identification, a replacement card will be issued.
9. At any point of time, the management board of Club99 reserves the rights to limit member’s participations in any rewards, promotions and benefit from Club99 with proper reason.
10. The management board of Club99 reserves the rights to change any rules, terms and conditions of Club99 Membership System and the right to revoke membership at any time without notice.
11. The Management will resolve all disputes which may arise with Member’s participation at Club99.
12. Club99 will evaluate and upgrade member’s level immediately.
13. If a member do not meet requirement of member maintenance within 6 months since the point of participation, member card will be degraded.
14. Membership card which is not used for a period of 12 months will be invalidated.
15. Membership to Club99 is a privilege offered to those who comply with Club99’s policy, procedures and rules for member as well as other requirements of Club99. Any misuse of the membership card or violation of these requirements will result in the forfeiture of all benefits and points.
16. The member’s utilization of the membership card indicates his/her acceptance to the rules, terms and conditions of Club99.